My Education Discount Teacher Discounts
My Education Discount Teacher Discounts

If you plan on using Ancestry as part of your curriculum, you'll be pleased to learn about AncestryClassroom, a no-cost program for K-12 schools.

AncestryClassroom, educators, school administrators, and district officials get free access to all the original and primary documents of the Ancestry U.S. Collection, Fold3, and Lesson plans, educational videos, professional learning tools, and other classroom resources are also available.

The program is open to representatives of all U.S. public and private schools serving the K-12 sector.

Interested in Ancestry for personal use?
Start your free 14 day trial here. You can cancel at any time.

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  • About Ancestry

    A deeper understanding of your heritage and family history sheds light on who you are and can strengthen your identity and sense of belonging. That’s why Ancestry combines billions of rich historical records, millions of family trees and samples from millions of people in the AncestryDNA network to help you discover your unique place in history and gain meaningful insights that can impact your future. With Ancestry's unparalleled collection of historical records and the world's largest consumer DNA network, customers can discover their unique family stories. 

    Over the past several decades, Ancestry has built trusted relationships with millions of people who have chosen the Ancestry platform for discovering, preserving and sharing the most important information about themselves and their families. And with the launch of AncestryClassroom, Ancestry is eager to help students learn more about themselves, navigate the world around them, and become more resilient. Through AncestryClassroom, educators get free access to classroom resources, professional learning tools, and Ancestry historical record collections to help students find their personal place in history.

  • Affiliate Disclosure

    At My Education Discount, our goal is to discover, procure, and share all discount opportunities available to the U.S. education community. While the use of our services is – and always will be – free to educators and staff, the information we provide on our website includes links to various retailers and organizations, some of which pay us a commission on applicable purchases and/or actions at no additional cost to you.

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