My Education Discount Teacher Discounts
My Education Discount Teacher Discounts

We’ve done our homework to uncover the best discounts and offers on hotel stays from Teachers and school employees are invited to save on their next hotel booking with the following deals:

Through 3/31 only,
save 25% or more on hotels stays during the Spring Sale Event! Plus earn OneKeyCash to use on ExpediaVrbo, and

Teachers who verify their educator status here can save 8% on their next booking. Some restrictions may apply. This discount is also available to college students and community heroes.

Take advantage of these last-minute hotel deals if booking your stay 2 weeks or less in advance. Whatever kind of last-minute stay you’re looking for, you can find yours here and save.

Get 25% off or more with these limited time deals on select hotel properties. Discounts vary by location.

We've got more ways to save on hotels and travel. Visit our
Travel Directory for more education discounts.

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  • About

    Part of the Expedia Group of travel companies, gives travelers one of the largest selections of accommodations on the web. With more than 1,000,000 properties in 200 countries – from hotels and B&B's to condos and all-inclusive resorts – the company provides a one-stop shopping source for hotel pricing, amenities, and availability.

    In recognition of teachers, college students, and community heroes, proudly offers exclusive discounts to members of the U.S. education community, as well as nurses, first responders, and military personnel.

  • Affiliate Disclosure

    At My Education Discount, our goal is to discover, procure, and share all discount opportunities available to the U.S. education community. While the use of our services is – and always will be – free to educators and staff, the information we provide on our website includes links to various retailers and organizations, some of which pay us a commission on applicable purchases and/or actions at no additional cost to you.

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