Educators and school employees belonging to the NEA, AFT, or any other union are invited to
save 25% at Teleflora!
To receive your discount,
shop Teleflora by adding items to your cart. Apply promo code
BAAUP25 at checkout for 25% off your total. Not applicable to service, shipping, and tax charges. Some exclusions may apply.
At Teleflora,
discover beautiful flower arrangements hand-crafted by local florists. Show your loved ones how much you care with unforgettable bouquets, flower baskets, live plants, and unique keepsakes for any occasion. Same day delivery is available.
In the mood for more savings? Visit our
A-Z Discount Directory for more education discounts from your favorite brands.
Founded in 1934, Teleflora has grown to become one of the most trusted names in the floral industry. Whether it's for birthdays, anniversaries, or sympathy arrangements, Teleflora allows customers to send beautiful flowers quickly and conveniently. By tapping over 11,000 member florists in North America alone, Teleflora offers the kind of personal touches, artistry, and expertise you expect from a trusted neighborhood florist — even if that neighborhood is across the country.
In recognition of their hard work and dedication, Teleflora proudly offers exclusive discounts to teachers, school staff, and other union members. Use your education discount to save 25% on one-of-a-kind bouquets and unique arrangements made with the freshest seasonal flowers available.
At My Education Discount, our goal is to discover, procure, and share all discount opportunities available to the U.S. education community. While the use of our services is – and always will be – free to educators and staff, the information we provide on our website includes links to various retailers and organizations, some of which pay us a commission on applicable purchases and/or actions at no additional cost to you.
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Suzy H, Spoto High School, FL
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Audrey C, City Neighbors High School, MD
"I got double the ink for the same price I just paid at Walmart! I stocked up!"
Jessica W, McKinley-Brighton Elementary School, NY
"I have received so many discounts that I would have never known about without My Education Discount!"
Gwen C, Highland High School, VA
"Love Love Love My Education Discount! My first place to look when I purchase something."
Katie M, Madison Street Academy, FL
"I have saved bundles on items for my classroom and items for my family with your discounts."
Donna W, National Inventors Hall of Fame Middle School, OH
"I love this website and your emails which afford me the opportunities to stretch my salary and budget. Thank you for all you do for teachers!"
Suzy H, Spoto High School, FL
"I love getting your emails! It's hard to live on a teacher's salary without your discounts."
Audrey C, City Neighbors High School, MD
"I got double the ink for the same price I just paid at Walmart! I stocked up!"
Jessica W, McKinley-Brighton Elementary School, NY
"I have received so many discounts that I would have never known about without My Education Discount!"
Gwen C, Highland High School, VA
"Love Love Love My Education Discount! My first place to look when I purchase something."
Katie M, Madison Street Academy, FL
"I have saved bundles on items for my classroom and items for my family with your discounts."
Donna W, National Inventors Hall of Fame Middle School, OH
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