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ThriftBooks specializes in offering new and gently used books at unbeatable prices. Founded in 2003, the company has grown into one of the largest online book resellers, offering a vast selection across all genres, from fiction to non-fiction, and even textbooks. ThriftBooks stands out for its commitment to sustainability, as it promotes the reuse of books, reducing waste and encouraging a circular economy. Customers can often find excellent deals, with many books priced well below their original retail value.
ThriftBooks invites educators to discover steep discounts on the titles they love. In addition to finding great everyday prices, teachers earn free books by registering for the ThriftBooks 4 Teachers program.
At My Education Discount, our goal is to discover, procure, and share all discount opportunities available to the U.S. education community. While the use of our services is – and always will be – free to educators and staff, the information we provide on our website includes links to various retailers and organizations, some of which pay us a commission on applicable purchases and/or actions at no additional cost to you.
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Audrey C, City Neighbors High School, MD
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Jessica W, McKinley-Brighton Elementary School, NY
"I have received so many discounts that I would have never known about without My Education Discount!"
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"I have saved bundles on items for my classroom and items for my family with your discounts."
Donna W, National Inventors Hall of Fame Middle School, OH
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